Climate Change 2001:
Working Group I: The Scientific Basis
Other reports in this collection

1. The Climate System: an Overview


1.1 Introduction to the Climate System

1.1.1 Climate
1.1.2 The Climate System

1.2 Natural Climate Variations

1.2.1 Natural Forcing of the Climate System
1.2.2 Natural Variability of Climate
1.2.3 Extreme Events

1.3 Human-induced Climate Variations

1.3.1 Human Influence on the Climate System
1.3.2 Modelling and Projection of Anthropogenic Climate Change
1.3.3 Observing Anthropogenic Climate Change

1.4 A ‘Road-map’ to this Report


Co-ordinating Lead Author
A.P.M. Baede

Lead Authors
E. Ahlonsou, Y. Ding, D. Schimel

Review Editors
B. Bolin, S. Pollonais

Other reports in this collection